I am very happy to work with and give advices to young students from various institutes and with various background no matter whether I know you. Receiving tons of questions per day, I think it’s better to gradually build this FAQ page which I hope is helpful to you before you decide to send me an email. Most questions I received is about being a machine learning researcher/students in an interdisciplinary team, especially a clinical environment. I can’t answer all questions at once, but will update this page frequently. I’ll keep my answer simple and understandable. I hope this can reduce your doubts when you feel lost.

Q0. Are you recruiting students?
A0. Presently No. But answers may change from time to time.

Q1. How can I get accepted into a famous institute for a PhD study?
A1. I know that I should directly answer you about what give you a better chance to get into the programme you want. HOWEVER, the most important question you need to know is: are you sure it is worthy to get a doctorate degree in your case? I understand that in many cases, if you are very into the field you study, and you feel that you are kind of a “nerd” like me, it may feel “natural” to continue your study in a doctorate program. But you really need to comprehensively and rationally consider your situation. It takes several years when you are usually at an age with peak productivity and energy. A doctorate degree has positive contributions mainly to the “research-related” part of your life. If a PhD is not suitable to you but you go for it, it may be harmful to both you and your supervisor. So, ask yourself again and again before making this decision, are you sure?

If the answer is still yes. I common mistake is, “I want to have a good look degree from a university with the best academic reputation”. However, we are talking about a PhD programme which contribute the most for you future research. The rankings of a university is less relevant to your future development as a scholar/researcher compared to undergraduate study. There are some connections, but not that much. For this problem, refer to Q2/A2 about how to pick a PhD program for your own sake.

Now the answers you want, but keep in mind that the two paragraphs above are more important actually. This is not a secret, your GPA, previous research experiences (including, publications, internships, institutes, etc.) All these matters. There are also some important factors you may not notice, but will increase your chance to get into the targeted groups. First, connections. How well your previous research-related experience correlated to the projects ongoing in the targeted groups. Second, connections. Personal connections, any links you have from your present programme to the one you want to go to? If so, get someone know both you and your potential advisers give you a recommendation. Or if you have any close relation to someone already in that group may also help (like google and other giant companies doing the same thing). However, please please keep in mind that all of these are based on the fact that you are good enough.

Q2. How to choose a right place to have my PhD study?

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